Now I need link to download the master suite CS 6 on new laptop. It worked I was able to get serial number. The thing I read said it also worked for CS3 and onwards so it may work with CS6, but no guarantees. This is pretty academic for Creative Cloud as it uses a subscription model, yet a serial is still used behind the scenes.
Towards the bottom you should see a field Copy these files to the desktop and change the suffix to *.txt and open in a text editor. Once visible you should see files inside with *.swidtag extensions-these are standard xml files. This is a hidden folder and so you need to first go into Control Panel and change your 'folder options' to make them visible. I am not using any of the old products now, just Creative Cloud, where this method does reveal a serial number-at least under Windows 10, but can't test the older products I came across a different method a while back that allows for a serial to be retrieved from a folder on your hard disk.
There is an equivalent for Macs but that costs $20. As Bob says Belarc Advisor will find all your old serial numbers and it is free.